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Kansans United for Civil Liberties to intervene in 10+ state level races this election


In the primary election, the voter education committee provided key materials in two House District 35 and 60 races


Thursday, September 5, 2024



Esmie Tseng, Communications Director,



OVERLAND PARK, KAN. – Kansans United for Civil Liberties, a voter education committee affiliated with the ACLU of Kansas, is promising significant intervention in at least 10 state house and countywide races in the 2024 Kansas general election, totaling $600,000.


“We’re answering the call from voters across the state, who in this moment are understandably craving a nonpartisan and reliable perspective in line with their values,” said Micah Kubic, Executive Director of the ACLU of Kansas. “Simply put, voters care about their civil rights and civil liberties. Where politicians may mispresent their positions or peddle in misinformation and distraction during and outside of the election season, Kansans United for Civil Liberties takes voters seriously. We will fill the gap to provide the voters with the information they need on the issues they truly care about, this election and beyond.”                


KUCL’s planned investment for this upcoming election targets state House races where civil liberties are a key voting issue. The investment will be one of the largest civil liberties-oriented voter education efforts in recent history in Kansas and is especially unprecedented as a nonpartisan, issue-focused effort.


During the recent primary election, KUCL’s efforts were successful in the Democratic primary for House District 35 in Wyandotte County and in the Republican primary for House District 60, with an investment amount of nearly $50,000 between the two races. In those two races, civil liberties issues proved decisive—with candidates supporting the civil liberties that KUCL educated voters about emerging victorious in both.


While KUCL does not endorse or oppose candidates, it did send out voter education materials ahead of the primary election, demonstrating the voting records or stated positions of candidates on key civil liberties issues, including voting rights, medical privacy and healthcare freedom, medical marijuana, and diversity and equity. 



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About Kansans United for Civil Liberties: KUCL is the political action committee of the ACLU of Kansas, in response to voters’ increasing requests for clarity and guidance in their decision processes in elections over the years. For more information, visit


About the ACLU of Kansas: The ACLU of Kansas is the statewide affiliate of the national American Civil Liberties Union. The ACLU of Kansas is dedicated to preserving and advancing the civil rights and legal freedoms guaranteed by the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights. For more information, visit our website at



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